Saturday, November 22, 2008

How To Install PostgreSQL 8.1.4

11/22/2008 05:08:00 PM |

The PostgreSQL Team has released a security patch update


8.1.4 et. al. Security Release FAQ

Step 1 - You need “pkg-get”

You need a recent edition of Blastwave software tools, like the common package and pkg-get itself.

Please see the Blastwave HOWTO if you do not have pkg-get installed.

Step 2 - Install or Upgrade to the PostgreSQL 8.1.4 Software

If you already have PostgreSQL 8.1.3 installed or an earlier release :

# /opt/csw/bin/pkg-get -U # /opt/csw/bin/pkg-get -u postgresql

If you are installing PostgreSQL 8.1.4 with no previous edition :

# /opt/csw/bin/pkg-get -U # /opt/csw/bin/pkg-get -i postgresql

Step 3 - Perform some initial setup

A script is provided with the package to allow you to easily initialize the PostgreSQL 8.1.4 software thus :

bash-3.1# /etc/init.d/cswpostgres init
Creating PostgreSQL data directory at /opt/csw/var/pgdata...
Initialising PostgreSQL database...

WARNING: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the -A option the next time you run initdb.

bash-3.1# /etc/init.d/cswpostgres start Starting PostgreSQL...
postmaster starting

Now you may “su” to the newly created postgres user account :

bash-3.1# su - postgres Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005
$ /opt/csw/postgresql/bin/psql
Welcome to psql 8.1.4, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

\copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help with psql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit

postgres=# \?
\c[onnect] [DBNAME|- [USER]]
connect to new database (currently "postgres")
\cd [DIR] change the current working directory
\copyright show PostgreSQL usage and distribution terms
\encoding [ENCODING] show or set client encoding
\h [NAME] help on syntax of SQL commands, * for all commands
\q quit psql
\set [NAME [VALUE]] set internal variable, or list all if no parameters
\timing toggle timing of commands (currently off)
\unset NAME unset (delete) internal variable
\! [COMMAND] execute command in shell or start interactive shell

Query Buffer
\e [FILE] edit the query buffer (or file) with external editor
\g [FILE] send query buffer to server (and results to file or |pipe)
\p show the contents of the query buffer
\r reset (clear) the query buffer
\s [FILE] display history or save it to file
\w FILE write query buffer to file Input/Output
\echo [STRING] write string to standard output
\i FILE execute commands from file
\o [FILE] send all query results to file or |pipe
\qecho [STRING] write string to query output stream (see \o)

\d [NAME] describe table, index, sequence, or view
\d{t|i|s|v|S} [PATTERN] (add "+" for more detail) list tables/indexes/sequences/views/system tables \da [PATTERN] list aggregate functions
\db [PATTERN] list tablespaces (add "+" for more detail)
\dc [PATTERN] list conversions
\dC list casts
\dd [PATTERN] show comment for object
\dD [PATTERN] list domains
\df [PATTERN] list functions (add "+" for more detail)
\dg [PATTERN] list groups
\dn [PATTERN] list schemas (add "+" for more detail)
\do [NAME] list operators
\dl list large objects, same as
\dp [PATTERN] list table, view, and sequence access privileges
\dT [PATTERN] list data types (add "+" for more detail)
\du [PATTERN] list users
\l list all databases (add "+" for more detail)
\z [PATTERN] list table, view, and sequence access privileges (same as \dp)

\a toggle between unaligned and aligned output mode
\C [STRING] set table title, or unset if none
\f [STRING] show or set field separator for unaligned query output
\H toggle HTML output mode (currently off)
\pset NAME [VALUE] set table output option (NAME := {format|border|expanded|fieldsep|footer|null| numericlocale|recordsep|tuples_only|title|tableattr|pager})
\t show only rows (currently off)
\T [STRING] set HTML <table> tag attributes, or unset if none
\x toggle expanded output (currently off) Copy, Large Object
\copy ... perform SQL COPY with data stream to the client host
\lo_export LOBOID FILE \lo_import FILE [COMMENT]
\lo_unlink LOBOID large object operations

postgres=# \dS
List of relations

Schema | Name | Type | Owner
pg_catalog | pg_aggregate | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_am | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_amop | table| postgres
pg_catalog | pg_amproc | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_attrdef | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_attribute | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_auth_members | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_authid | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_autovacuum | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_cast | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_class | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_constraint | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_conversion | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_database | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_depend | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_description | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_group | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_index | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_indexes | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_inherits | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_language | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_largeobject | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_listener | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_locks | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_namespace | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_opclass | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_operator | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_pltemplate | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_prepared_xacts | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_proc | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_rewrite | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_roles | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_rules | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_settings | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_shadow | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_shdepend | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_stat_activity | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_stat_all_indexes | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_stat_all_tables | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_stat_database | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_stat_sys_indexes | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_stat_sys_tables | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_stat_user_indexes | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_stat_user_tables | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_statio_all_indexes | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_statio_all_sequences | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_statio_all_tables | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_statio_sys_indexes | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_statio_sys_sequences | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_statio_sys_tables | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_statio_user_indexes | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_statio_user_sequences | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_statio_user_tables | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_statistic | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_stats | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_tables | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_tablespace | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_trigger | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_type | table | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_user | view | postgres
pg_catalog | pg_views | view | postgres

(61 rows)
postgres=# \l+
List of databases
Name | Owner | Encoding | Description
postgres | postgres | SQL_ASCII |
template0 | postgres | SQL_ASCII |
template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII | Default template database

(3 rows)


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