Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mastering Algorithms with C

Posted On 8/30/2011 11:39:00 PM by Unknown 0 comments

Paperback: 560 pages
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; Pap/Dskt/C edition (August 12, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781565924536
ISBN-13: 978-1565924536
ASIN: 1565924533


Written with the intermediate to advanced C programmer in mind, Mastering Algorithms with C delivers a no-nonsense guide to the most common algorithms needed by real-world developers.
The highlight of the book has to be its concise and readable C functions for all the algorithms presented here, including basics like linked lists, stacks to trees, graphs, and sorting/searching algorithms. The C functions that implement these algorithms are clearly printed and remarkably easy to read. You can use this sample code directly or adapt it into your C/C++ code.

Although mathematical concepts like Big-O notation are discussed, the authors don't get bogged down in the computer science theory surrounding algorithms. Instead, they present the most tried-and-true algorithms available today in an efficient format. Besides introducing each algorithm, they describe how each is used in computing today, along with a short demo application. Some of these samples are quite low-level, such as a virtual memory manager implemented with linked lists. Most examples are more of general interest, such as a graphing example that counts network hops.

Each section ends with questions and answers about how the algorithms work, along with references to other algorithms (both in the book and from other sources). The authors concentrate on the most useful algorithms available today and don't try to cover every available variation. Busy readers will appreciate the intelligent selection--and efficient presentation--used here.

There are a number of books on C algorithms, but Master Algorithms with C is one of the most concise and immediately useful. It's a perfect choice for the working C/C++ programmer who's in a hurry to find just the right algorithm for writing real-world code. --Richard Dragan

Topics covered: Algorithm efficiency, pointer basics, arrays, recursion, Big-O Notation, linked lists, stacks, queues, sets, hash tables, trees and B-trees, searching, heaps and priority queues, graphs, sorting and searching algorithms, numerical methods, data compression, Huffman coding, LZ77, data encryption, DES, RSA, graph algorithms, minimum spanning trees, geometric algorithms, and convex hulls.

Download :

Thursday, August 25, 2011

How to use "TestDisk" for virtually any boot problem!!

Posted On 8/25/2011 06:56:00 PM by Unknown 0 comments

Tutorial: How to use "TestDisk" for virtually any boot problem!!

Can't boot into your OS? TestDisk is a miracle program to fix your partition, even if it's been deleted!

It can also un-delete a file you JUST deleted. It can bring it back as long as you haven't downloaded ANYTHING after you deleted it, because that is like overwriting the file.

It supports Linux, DOS, Windows, and Mac.

This is from this link: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step

Download :

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Scott Lowe, Mastering VMware vSphere 4

Posted On 8/23/2011 09:06:00 PM by Unknown 0 comments

Scott Lowe, Mastering VMware vSphere 4
Sybex | 2009 | ISBN: 0470481382 | 696 pages | PDF | 12,2 MB

As part of the highly acclaimed Mastering series from Sybex, this book offers a comprehensive look at VMware vSphere 4, how to implement it, and how to make the most of what it offers.

Coverage Includes:
Shows administrators how to use VMware to realize significant savings in hardware costs while still providing adequate quot;serversquot; for their users
Demonstrates how to partition a physical server into several virtual machines, reducing the overall server footprint within the operations center
Explains how VMware subsumes a network to centralize and simplify its management, thus alleviating the effects of quot;virtual server sprawlquot;

Now that virtualization is a key cost-saving strategy, Mastering VMware vSphere 4 is the strategic guide you need to maximize the opportunities.

Download :

Monday, August 22, 2011

Learn Java for Android Development

Posted On 8/22/2011 11:55:00 AM by Unknown 1 comments

Apress | September 29, 2010 | ISBN-10: 1430231564 | 656 pages | PDF | 11.2 Mb
Android development is hot, and many programmers are interested in joining the fun. However, because this technology is based on Java, you should first obtain a solid grasp of the Java language and its foundational APIs to improve your chances of succeeding as an Android app developer. After all, you will be busy learning the architecture of an Android app, the various Android-specific APIs, and Android-specific tools. If you do not already know Java fundamentals, you will probably end up with a massive headache from also having to quickly cram those fundamentals into your knowledge base.

Learn Java for Android Development teaches programmers of any skill level the essential Java language and foundational Java API skills that must be learned to improve the programmer’s s chances of succeeding as an Android app developer. Each of the book’s 10 chapters provides an exercise section that gives you the opportunity to reinforce your understanding of the chapter’s s material. Answers to the book’s s more than 300 exercises are provided in an appendix. Once you complete this book, you will be ready to dive into Android, and you can start that journey by obtaining a copy of Beginning Android 2.

Additionally, author Jeff Friesen will provide supplementary material (such as 6 more chapters) on his javajeff.mb.ca website, available over the next few months following this book's release.

What you'll learn

* The Java language: This book provides complete coverage of nearly every pre-Java version 7 language feature (native methods are briefly mentioned but not formally covered). Starting with those features related to classes and objects, you progress to object-oriented features related to inheritance, polymorphism, and interfaces. You then explore the advanced language features for nested types, packages, static imports, exceptions, assertions, annotations, generics, and enums. Continuing, you investigate strictfp, class literals, synchronized, volatile, the enhanced for loop statement, autoboxing/unboxing, and transient fields. The book also briefly presents most (if not all) of Java version 7’s language features, although not much is said about closures or modules (which were not finalized at the time of writing).
* Java APIs: In addition to Object and APIs related to exceptions, you explore Math, StrictMath, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Package, Boolean, Character, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Number, the References API, the Reflection API, String, StringBuffer, System, the Threading API, the collections framework, the concurrency utilities, the internationalization APIs, the Preferences API, Random, the Regular Expressions API, File, RandomAccessFile, stream classes, and writer/reader classes. You will also get a tiny taste of Swing in the context of internationalization.
* Tools: You will learn how to use the JDK’s javac (compiler), java (application launcher), javadoc (Java documentation generator), and jar (Java archive creator, updater, and extractor) tools. You will also receive an introduction to the NetBeans and Eclipse integrated development environments. Although you can develop Android apps without NetBeans or Eclipse, working with these IDEs is much more pleasant.

Who this book is for

This book is for any programmer (including existing Java programmers and Objective-C (iPhone/iPad) programmers) of any skill level who needs to obtain a solid understanding of the Java language and foundational Java APIs before jumping into Android app development.

Author Information

Jeff Friesen - Jeff "JavaJeff" Friesen is a freelance software developer and educator specializing in Java and now Android technology. In addition to teaching Java at a local college, he’s written several books on Java, with Learn Java for Android and Beginning Java SE 6 Platform: From Novice to Professional being his most recent books. Jeff has also written numerous articles for java.net, InformIT.com and JavaWorld.com. Check out his javajeff.mb.ca website to discover these articles, as well as additional material on Java, JavaFX, and other software technologies.

Download :

Friday, August 19, 2011

OpenGL Programming Guide: OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Versions 3.0 and 3.1 (7th Edition) (7th Edition)

Posted On 8/19/2011 06:32:00 AM by Unknown 0 comments

OpenGL is a powerful software interface used to produce high-quality, computer-generated images and interactive applications using 2D and 3D objects, bitmaps, and color images.

The OpenGL®Programming Guide, Seventh Edition, provides definitive and comprehensive information on OpenGL and the OpenGL Utility Library. The previous edition covered OpenGL through Version 2.1. This seventh edition of the best-selling “red book” describes the latest features of OpenGL Versions 3.0 and 3.1. You will find clear explanations of OpenGL functionality and many basic computer graphics techniques, such as building and rendering 3D models; interactively viewing objects from different perspective points; and using shading, lighting, and texturing effects for greater realism. In addition, this book provides in-depth coverage of advanced techniques, including texture mapping, antialiasing, fog and atmospheric effects, NURBS, image processing, and more. The text also explores other key topics such as enhancing performance, OpenGL extensions, and cross-platform techniques.

This seventh edition has been updated to include the newest features of OpenGL Versions 3.0 and 3.1, including

* Using framebuffer objects for off-screen rendering and texture updates
* Examples of the various new buffer object types, including uniform-buffer objects, transform feedback buffers, and vertex array objects
* Using texture arrays to increase performance when using numerous textures
* Efficient rendering using primitive restart and conditional rendering
* Discussion of OpenGL’s deprecation mechanism and how to verify your programs for future versions of OpenGL

# Paperback: 936 pages
# Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 7 edition (July 31, 2009)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0321552628
# ISBN-13: 978-0321552624

Download :

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Home Networking Do-It-Yourself For Dummies

Posted On 8/18/2011 09:32:00 PM by Unknown 0 comments

2011 | 360 Pages | ISBN: 0470561734 | EPUB | 47 MB

Network your family's computers so you can share files, printers, and more — now it's easy!
Connecting all your home's computers into a network lets you share files, devices, entertainment, and more. This friendly book shows you, step by step, how to create your very own wired or wireless network.
You'll learn what hardware you need, where to position a wireless router, how to connect a Bluetooth device, how to arrange access for different family members, and everything else necessary to get your network up and running. Then you'll learn to secure it, monitor the kids' online activities, speed up your Internet connection, and even set up a gaming network. What are you waiting for?

Open the book and find:
Directions for installing a wireless router
How to help different versions of Windows work together
Tips on configuring file and printer sharing
Instructions for setting up a Windows 7 HomeGroup
Wireless security procedures
Troubleshooting advice

Learn to:
Set up a wired or wireless network from start to finish
Share connections and files onWindows 7
Connect your gadgets, share music, and do it all yourself!


Monday, August 15, 2011

The Secret FX Training DVD

Posted On 8/15/2011 08:30:00 AM by Unknown 0 comments

In over 6 hours of narrated videos learn the fundamentals of fx production from simulations to rendering and final composing. Learn how to use multiple tools like Rayfire, Pulldownit, Fume FX and particleflow. All these in one single FX training flash book.
This dvd also contains Final 3dsmax scene with all the textures, concept arts and lots of example scenes.
This training DVD is recommended for intermediate 3dsmax users, this is not a step by step modeling tutorial.
Recommended system specification is: Intel Core Duo with 4GB of RAM, and 64bit system.

Download Links:
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4
PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8
PART 9 | PART 10 | PART 11

FX Tutorial Project Files :
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6

Sunday, August 14, 2011

VTC - Database Optimization

Posted On 8/14/2011 08:21:00 PM by Unknown 0 comments


This Database Optimization course provides viewers with important techniques and checklists to configure, monitor, and manage their databases. You will learn how to develop a tuning strategy, explore the tuning and diagnostic tools, understand the relational database model and implications on performance, evaluate the application for efficient design, structure, and other factors affecting performance and evaluate hardware for effects on performance. Join us as we review best practices in designing, optimizing, and maintaining your database. You will benefit from this course whether you have some experience with optimizing databases or are just starting out.

Download :

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Programming Android

Posted On 8/13/2011 12:00:00 AM by Unknown 0 comments


Programming Android
Publisher: O'Re..illy Media 2011 | 502 Pages | ISBN: 1449389694 |PDF | 11 MB

What does it take to build well-engineered Android applications? Explore Android's core building blocks and APIs in depth with this authoritative guide, and learn how to create compelling apps that work on a full range of Android devices. You'll work with proven approaches to app design and implementation—including application frameworks that you can use as a starting point for your own projects.


Friday, August 12, 2011


Posted On 8/12/2011 11:59:00 PM by Unknown 0 comments


Java Programming - From Problem Analysis to Program Design
D. S. Malik | 2011 | ISBN: 1439035660 | PDF | 10.8 MB

Designed for a first Computer Science (CS1) Java course, JAVA PROGRAMMING: FROM PROBLEM ANALYSIS TO PROGRAM DESIGN 5e will motivate readers while building a cornerstone for the Computer Science curriculum. With a focus on readers' learning, this text approaches programming using the latest version of Java, and includes updated programming exercises and programs. The engaging and clear-cut writing style will help readers learn key concepts through concise explanations and practice in this complex and powerful language.
Java Programming - From Problem Analysis to Program Design
5th Edition (Current as of January 2011)


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dreamweaver CS5 With PHP And MySQL

Posted On 8/11/2011 08:34:00 PM by Unknown 0 comments


Join David Gassner in Dreamweaver CS5 with PHP and MySQL as he explains how to add dynamic data to a PHP-enabled web site in Dreamweaver CS5. This course shows how to plan and create a MySQL database, define a PHP-enabled site in Dreamweaver CS5, connect the site to the database, and manage and present dynamic data. Dreamweaver CS5 features are demonstrated throughout the video series, including PHP custom class introspection and site-specific code hinting. Exercise files are included with the course.

Topics include:

* Understanding dynamic versus static content
* Installing WAMP and MAMP servers
* Adding PHP commands to web pages
* Setting and outputting variables
* Using server-side includes
* Creating PHP custom classes
* Adding the Zend Framework to a PHP installation
* Creating a MySQL database
* Adding data in phpMyAdmin
* Building recordsets
* Formatting dynamic data
* Building data entry forms
* Authenticating users
* Deploying a dynamic site


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Learn c programming in a day

Posted On 8/10/2011 03:18:00 AM by Unknown 0 comments


This is very dull stuff for everyone who can really program in C, so please don't waste your time and read it. If you still do, don't flame me telling me that it was lame. But for everyone who needs to get anything from basic
knowledge to a thorough understanding of plain C, this tutorial should be a fast and easy to understand guide. This document might be improved for better comprehensibility later, if necessary. Any constructive input is very welcome.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Computer Repair Utility Kit AIO

Posted On 8/08/2011 08:28:00 PM by Unknown 0 comments


The Computer Repair Utility Kit allows you to run all of the repair tools from your portable drive (eg. USB Flash Drive, External Hard Drive, iPod etc.) and comes with an easy to use, right-click menu. A must in any computer technicians kit.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Help Guide for Problems with MKV & Hardware Media Player

Posted On 8/05/2011 11:33:00 AM by Unknown 0 comments

Please note that mkvtoolnix version 4.1 & higher (4.1.0-4.8.0) causes playback issues (crashes) with hardware media players and USB equipped TVs like LG, Samsung (mainly due to its header compression).
If the media player crashes and doesn't play any files any more, you would need to do a factory reset to get it working again.

For example Scorp uses mkvtoolnix version 4.0 so no problem, but that is not the same for all encoders.

Update: Note to re-encoders (2011-05-27)
MKVtoolnix 4.8.0: File-->Options: Disable header removal compression will make this option permanent for future usage.

I use WD TV HD and watch MKV on large screen TV + Home Theatre, instead of small computer screen.

You can read about this and other issues here (user comments):

I have downgraded my mkvtoolnix to v 4.0

It is not a big deal and I unpack & repack (extract/merge) mkv films made with versions 4.1 or higher with version 4.0 and they play fine.

Get the excellent OpenSource utility MediaInfo to check the version of audio/video files. It is also part of K-Lite Mega Codec Pack



- Download mkvtoolnix version 4.0.0
- Launch mkvmerge GUI (I keep its shortcut in my Quick Launch as I use it often)
- Open the mkv file or simply drag and drop the file onto it
- Click "Start muxing"
It will then repacks the same file (no conversion is done, just repacking the container) and saves it to the same location and adds a (1) to the file name
- Watch and enjoy

Update: (2011-05-28)
I read about a tool called mkclean.exe & mkWDclean.exe
mkWDclean is supposed to remove the header compression. I am going to test it.
Update: I tested it and it was NOT fixing the problem with WD TV HD. It crashed it so badly that I could not operate it and had to unplug it to get it working again

MKVcleaver is great utility if you need to extract tracks. IMO it is a lot better than mkvextract & MKVextract GUI. v5.0 was OK but v5.0.1 & 5.0.2 had problems. I tested v5.0.3 and it is OK too.

Problems with 5.1 Audio tracks
I often have to do this since my hardware media player requires 5.1 processor (external amp) to play it which I dont have at the moment.
Extract the audio and convert the audio only. Then merge it back to the mkv.
You can keep both audio tracks if you wish in the mkv.

It is worth mentioning that not all audio converters handle 6 channel 5.1 properly.
I found that "AVS Audio Converter6" does it nicely.
As of now, FormatFactory, AXara Audio Converter, Xilisoft Audio Converter can't handle the 5.1 audio.

Quick Note on repacking other Containers into MKV: (2011-06-11)
I am adding this note since the question has come up.
You can use mkvmerge GUI to repack other container formats ie avi, mpeg etc with or without additional elements ie subs
You simply open them with mkvmerge GUI, add other elements if needed, and Click "Start muxing". It is the same process as explained above. There is no conversation done so the quality remains exactly the same.

Muxing External Subtitles into MKV
- Open or Drop the MKV movie into MKVmerge GUI
- Open or Drop the subtitle track into MKVmerge GUI
- Select/Deselect elements according to your requirement
- Click "Start muxing"

Muxing External Audio track into MKV
Same as above but with Audio track instead of subtitle.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

How to Install Windows 7 on your Mac

Posted On 8/04/2011 07:45:00 PM by Unknown 0 comments

This is a tutorial to install and activate pirated Windows 7 on your Mac

STEP-by-STEP Installation & Activation Guide:
Step 1: Installing Windows 7 Ultimate on BootCamp
1. Go to Applications -> Utilities -> Boot Camp Assistant
2. Create the partition size you need for your Windows 7 Ultimate and click Partition
3. Once completed you'll notice a new BOOTCAMP drive on your desktop.
4. Now insert your Windows 7 DVD and click the Start Installation button.
5. Mac will restart, and Windows 7 will boot. You'll be prompted with a window asking you which partition you want to install Windows on. Select the one with BOOTCAMP in the Name column. Then select the Drive options (advanced) link.
6. With the BOOTCAMP volume still selected, click the Format link.
7. Choose x64 (64-bit processor) for faster Windows performance
8. Choose "Custom" (advanced), click OK and Install

Step 2: Activating Windows 7 Ultimate
1. On Windows 7, insert your Mac OS X Leopard/Snow Leopard DVD
2. Open folder to view file "Bootcamp" and run "setup.exe"
3. Restart After Installation
4. Check for Updates, download and install all updates
5. Run Windows Loader to activate or RemoveWAT to remove Windows Activation Technology

What are Windows Loader and RemoveWAT?

Windows Loader is the loader application thats used by millions of people worldwide, well known for passing Microsoft's WAT (Windows Activation Technologies) and is arguably the safest Windows activation exploit ever created. The application itself injects a SLIC (Software Licensing Description Table) into your system before Windows boots, this is what fools Windows into thinking it's genuine.
The easy and safe way to activate Windows.

RemoveWAT v., developed by Hazar and nononsence, is a Windows 7 crack that completely removes Windows Activation Technologies from the system so that users can validate the illegal pirated copies of Windows 7 as genuine status.

When your Mac boots, hold down the Option key to select which Operating System you want to boot into. However, you can run both Mac OS X and Windows 7 simultaneously by installing Parallels Desktop 6, VMWare Fusion, or VirtualBox.

Windows is now your default OS. You need to go into BootCamp software in your Windows and set Mac OS X as your default OS.

Hope this tutorial helps you in installing Windows 7 on your Mac.

Peepcode jQuery

Posted On 8/04/2011 07:21:00 PM by Unknown 0 comments


Info : http://peepcode.com/products/jquery

Topics covered in this tutorial include:

* jQuery Core Concepts
* Browser Tools
* Brief Javascript Primer
* The Mighty Dollar Function
* Selectors
* Implementing a Pomodoro Task Management Application
* Design and Write a Plugin
* Event Handling and live()
* Using extend()
* Understanding the this keyword
* Using the debugger
* Code Organization with Javascript Objects
* Basic Animation
* Using Timers


Monday, August 1, 2011


Posted On 8/01/2011 11:31:00 PM by Unknown 0 comments

2.Installing XP 

Once you have your flash drive loaded with XP, it's time to install it. As mentioned earlier, you need to be sure that your computer supports booting from a USB drive.


Plug in the flash drive then turn on the computer and go into the BIOS (usually by pressing the Delete key at the POST screen). In the BIOS, you will need to set the flash drive as the first boot device, usually called something like "USB Hard Drive". Save and exit to reboot the system.


You will be greeted with the screen you see above which gives you two options: TXT mode or GUI mode. Select TXT mode for now.


Setup will load as normal, but there is one catch that you need to be aware of here. If you are formatting your hard drive and creating a new partition, you will need to turn off the computer immediately after the partition has been formatted (before Windows starts copying files over). Turn the system back on, boot back into TXT mode then direct Windows to leave the current file system intact. This is done because the flash drive can't copy to the new partition unless the computer is restarted and the flash drive is allowed to recognize the new partition. Strange, yes, but that's just how it works. If you aren't creating a new partition, then just carry on as usual.


Once all of the setup files are loaded, the computer will reboot. This time, select GUI mode and continue your installation as you normally would with a CD. It is important that you don't remove the flash drive until you are totally finished with the installation or you may corrupt the install and have to start over again.
This guide should allow you to quickly and easily install Windows XP on a computer without an optical drive such as a netbook. You can, however, use this method on any computer to speed up the installation process, as it is much faster to install from a flash drive versus an optical drive.


< Prev PART 1


Posted On 8/01/2011 11:28:00 PM by Unknown 0 comments


1.Preparing The Flash Drive

Before beginning, you need to make sure that the computer you plan to install Windows on can boot from USB. Check your BIOS or motherboard manual if you are unsure of this. You will also need a separate computer to prep the installation on the USB flash drive. You will need a flash drive at least 2 GB in size. Flash drives are extremely cheap so buying one shouldn't be a problem if you don't already have one this size or larger.

The first thing you need to do is download the three files below and save them on your desktop.
• PeToUSB.zip
• USBprep.zip
• BOOTsect.zip


Once you have these downloaded, extract PeToUSB.zip and USBprep.zip separately. Then, copy everything from the PeToUSB folder to the USBprep folder. Now, copy the USBprep folder and place it in C:\

Also, extract BOOTsect.zip and put these files directly in the C:\ directory as well.

Next, you need to put your Windows CD in your optical drive and copy all of the contents from it over to a folder in the C:\ directory. I named mine "XP" so it would be easier to recall later.



Navigate to the USBprep folder in C:\ and double click the usb_prep8.cmd file (yours may or may not have the .cmd extension based on the Windows settings you are using. You can enable file extensions by clicking Tools, Folder Options, View tab, then unticking "Hide extensions for known file types" in the Advanced Settings list).



Clicking usb_prep8.cmd opens up the black and white command screen you see above. Follow the directions on-screen by clicking any button and you will be greeted with another window, PeToUSB. If you have your flash drive plugged in, the program should detect it and list it under the destination drive.

Click "Start" in the PeToUSB window, select "Yes" to continue then again click "Yes" when it asks if you are sure you want to repartition and format the disk. Once complete(TAKES SOME TIME), click "Ok".


Leave all of these windows open and go to "Start", then "Run" and type in "cmd" to bring up the console window.

Type "cd c:\", without the quotes and press Enter.

Now type "bootsect /nt52 E:", without the quotes. In this example, "E" represents the letter of my flash drive. Yours will likely be different so be sure to check beforehand (it should be listed beside your device name in PeToUSB - if not there, simply double click My Computer on your desktop and locate the drive letter there.) then press Enter.

The command window will inform you that Bootcode was successfully updated on all target volumes.


Now, close out of the current command window and also close PeToUSB. Doing this will bring up a new set of options in the original command window, as seen above.

Press "1" then Enter and you will be asked to browse to the folder that you copied Windows to. Select the folder then click "OK".

Click back on the command window and press "2" then Enter. You will be asked to enter a drive letter that is not already taken. You may want to check in My Computer to be sure you select a letter that isn't already being used. In the screenshot above, I selected "V". Press Enter after selecting your drive letter of choice.

Press "3" then Enter and you will be asked for the drive letter of your flash drive. This is the same letter that you used earlier in bootsect. For me, that letter is "E". Input the letter and press Enter.




Finally, press "4" then Enter. You will be asked if you want to proceed with the format. Type "Y" then press Enter.

The system will pause a moment while the format takes place. Then you will be asked to press any key to continue... do so. This starts the first phase of the process which will take a few minutes.

Once again, you will be prompted to press any key to continue... do so. Another dialog box will pop up, asking you if you want to start the file copy. Click "Yes". The command window will again activate and start copying files to the flash drive which will take a few minutes.






After a bit, you will be asked if you would like USB-stick to be Preferred Boot Drive. Click "Yes".


Finally, a dialog box asks if you would like to unmount the Virtual Drive. Click "Yes".


That's it, you are done! You can close the command window and any other relevant windows that may still be open.

But, we are not done. Now comes time to install XP, which as you will find out, is a bit of a different process when using a flash drive. Continue ahead as we walk through this procedure. 

Next > PART 2